All orders placed between June 1-18 will ship June 20, 2024

About us

What exactly is in your products?
Our Candles are all made with soy wax, crackling cedar wood wicks and high quality fragrance oils - the reusable mugs are a bonus!
Our Lip Care is made with 4 organic products - Beeswax, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter and Vitamin E, a 5th ingredient is added if you enjoy a little scent of essential oil. We believe that less is more.

Hi! My name is Nicole and I'm the creator of chaos and COY Naturals. I am also a full time flight attendant and believe that mermaids are real. 

In December 2016 I got mad at a lip balm company who’s newer more 'improved recipe' wasn’t preforming as well as their original. I used to get all kinds of DIY kits as a kid for Christmas and have always loved crafting. The annoyance of dry lips sparked the memory so I started doing some research. Fast forward a few weeks and I had perfected my recipe and made a few for myself, friends, family and still had a wild amount left over.

This reignited the craft bug. I decided to do some research on candles and see if I could make my own because the smell of some hotel rooms are not the fave. Went out purchased all the materials - everything except a vessel. Realized the mug I was drinking out of was about the same diameter as the intended vessel and away we went - trial & error for a good while but entertained nonetheless.

In the mean time I still had an obnoxious amount of lip balm laying around and my incredible mother (A business/restaurant owner with no more then 3rd grade education - wow right?) got irritated with this basket in a random corner of the house and told me to put them in a nice dish with a sign at the restaurant (If you're looking for some delicious Portuguese cuisine I highly recommend DaRosa's Cafe & Restaurant located at 2853 Dufferin Street in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.) She would sell them for me and I could make my money back for all the extra product that was already made. Heck, why not! I dropped everything off at the restaurant and went off on a 4 day work trip.

When I got home 4 days later my mom stormed into my room and goes, “good you’re home you have some lip balm orders and I sold some of those candle too, you made too many and you have candle orders as well ” - I was (and still am) floored - complete strangers wanted my stuff?!? Alright, cool cool let’s run with this and see how it goes.

I spent majority of 2017 researching and testing. By the holidays of 2017 I had 5 lip balms and 3 candle options. Sold them solely to friends, family and anyone who came into the restaurant and saw the little corner.

Fast forward to today, looking back at where it all began is insane. How and when did this all happen. Time is fleeting but also an exhilarating ride. Find your happy place and roll with it.